Sarah Whitehouse

"Some fine performances, particularly from Sarah Whitehouse as Brenda-Marie."
Jeremy Miles 2009
“Sarah Whitehouse’s energetic, loveable Brenda-Marie was beautifully played”
Linda Kirkman - Scene One 2009
"Sarah Whitehouse merges Russian landowner and English County Lady perfectly to create a gorgeously comedic character."
Rod Dungate 2011 Comedy Chekhov.
"Acting of the highest quality"
David Carlisle - 2014 Review of 'The Woman on the Bridge'
"portrayed in an extraordinary performance by Sarah Whitehouse. She shows immense versatility in depicting Marx's emotional journey."
Dana Mills Morning Star 2018
"At the centre of this five-hander is an outstanding performance from Sarah Whitehouse as Eleanor “Tussy” Marx. She is variously brittle, incredulous, impetuous, flirtatious and distressed. Totally convincing"
Susan Elkin Sardines 2018.
"Sarah Whitehouse's tortured sister brings another emotional layer to a powerful and memorable picture." (Lapwing)
IMDB Kevin Haney 2021
"Many excellent performances however the understated and truthful performance from Sarah Whitehouse as Lizzie made it for me."
Amazon Prime Video
Eve Long 2021
"The standout character and performance is that of Lady D'Winter. (Whitehouse)"
Audio drama 'The Three Musketeers'
Amazon Audible
Anonymous User 2022
"So much more than I could have imagined. Milady is more amazing than ever!"
Audio Drama 'The Three Musketeers
Amazon Audible
B McGee 2021
"The film is also beautifully cast among the supporting players including Jay Ford and Sarah Whitehouse, the latter two performers whom portray Andrew and Jessica twenty years after the story begins."
Richard Propes - The Independent Critic 2013
"The aesthetic highpoint of my 2019 was hearing Sarah play Milady in my adaptation of Three Musketeers - I took the job on out of conviction that the real (tragic) hero of the story was Milady and Sarah translated this into dramatic reality, a true "star" performance."
Marty Ross - Twitter - 2020
"One of the most open actors I have worked with"
Emmett J Scanlan 2021 - Twitter
SarahWhitehouse please contact Audere Talent Management - Click button for details
Or contact
0207 971 1340
Sarah is a classically trained actress and since graduating has worked continuously in Film, TV, Radio and Theatre.
She has bases in both London and the West Midlands.
"The performance was the best part, I felt myself daydreaming deeply watching these images come to life with the narration."
Audiobook 'Medieval Woman'
Amazon Audible
Maiah 2021